
  • 2019
    Google Code-In
    Grand Prize Winner
    Got flown out to Google SF, CA for completing 42 open source tasks for an organization called 'Sustainable Computing Research Group' and helped with their core functions including a new mobile application and chrome extension.
  • 2019
    International Olympiad in Linguistics Camp
    National Bronze Medalist
    Awarded rank 14 out of all national applicants at the camp after selection through testing and attending lectures on computational and societal linguistics at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad.
  • 2018
    HackHarvard Global Hackathon (MLH)
    Grand Finalist
    Invited by Alibaba Tianchi to present my project 'ALM8- Alzheimer's Mate' in China and then at Harvard University during MLH week 2019. Theproject was selected in the top 3 among 500+ open participants on the platform 'Codechef'.
  • 2019
    Central Board of Secondary Education, India
    Winner, National Annual Science Fair
    Felicitated by Mr. Anurag Tripathi, CBSE Secretary and other government dignitaries for the project ALM8, among 10000+ schools across India.